Blog Post #1: Bible Archaeology

1. What are some new things that you learned about Jesus from your group presentation? Be specific.
My group’s topic is Wine at Cana and the Loaves and Fishes. The story Wine at Cana is about when Jesus saw that all the water was gone, something came upon him to do something. Jesus delivers a sign of his glory by turning water into wine, it was God telling him to be a miracle worker and spread the presence of God. The story Loaves and Fishes is about Jesus broke the fishes and the loaves, and they distributed among the people. Jesus can provide all we need, and help us when we have some difficulties. Jesus always shows love to his people; we also need to be a helpful person that to help each other, love each other, make our community to be more beautiful and warm.
2. What are some new things that you learned about Jesus from your classmates’ group presentations? Be specific
From my classmate group especially Sermon on the Mount. It is about Jesus climbs a mountain near Galilee, he teaches his man about morals and beatitudes. Jesus gives his people some life lesson and how to be a real person. I learned we couldn't hate your enemy, try to love our enemy, learn the right things from each other. God loves everyone. Be a perfect man; we need to have forgiveness, try to forgive someone and give them one more chance to make the things better, make the life easier. I learned we need cherish the person who always accompanies with you. Jesus teaches us lots of truth that we know how to be a real person.
 3. Which topic related to Jesus’ life did you find to be most fascinating and why?
The topic related to Jesus’s life that is most fascinating is Loaves and Fishes. It is because this is the significant Maricle about Jesus. When Christ fed the masses that day, he began with only “five barley loaves and two fish,” borrowed from a boy’s lunch. To feed 5000 people with five loaves and two fish. This is unimaginable for us, and all this happened, it because Jesus does not want his disciples to be hungry and he wants them to get enough food. It affects me a lot that I will relate to our real life, that we need to honest, try to help more people use some wise ways. Jesus story makes me think a lot and relates to our life.
 4. After reflecting on Jesus’ characteristics in the last unit and the events related to his life in this unit, who are two people in your life who display similar qualities as Jesus and why?
I think two people is my mother and father. They show similar qualities as Jesus because Jesus as God lives on the earth that gives our beautiful and teaches us how to be a good man. My parents, they bring me to this beautiful world and try to work hard to earn more money to give me the best education and environment to live. They always teach me to be tolerant, to be helpful, to be friendly. They always support me and point the best way lead me to be the best person. They accompany us to pass through all the difficulties, they will not stay with us forever, but before they live us, they always leave the best things for us.

Why I chose this video because through all the question, I wrote about love a lot. Jesus loves everyone, and we all need to love each other, to bring happiness and warmth to each other.
Work Cited:
Tomlin, Chris. Jesus Loves MeJesus Loves Me, 2014,
