Blog Post #2: Who is Jesus to me?

  1. Before this class, what did you already know about Jesus and where did this information come from?
I don’t believe Christianity, and I am not Catholic. But I am studying in a Catholic school that all the information I learned about Jesus is from my Religion class. I still do not know about him. In people’s mind, Jesus is different for them. For me, base on what I learned, I think Jesus is holy and righteous, he is helpful and friendly. Jesus is a son of God, and he brings us to this beautiful world. He loves his people and helps his people when we have some difficulties. Jesus is mysterious that there are lots of amazing story from him.
2. What new insights did you gain about Jesus from this unit? How does this change or confirm what you already thought? Be specific. (Based on presentations and reading)
I learned “He was a good man, they may claim, maybe even one of the greatest religious leaders of all time-- like the Buddha, perhaps, or Moses, or Muhammad” (8 Zanzig). Jesus is the most major religious leader. Jesus also has so many names, the Messiah, the son of God, the Lord of the universe. He is the Son of God, who died for our sins; a great miracle worker and healer; a teacher of marvelous truth(8 Zanzig). Jesus is a good god and brings unconditional love to the people. He makes the world more peaceful, creates the sisterhood for us. Jesus gives people hope to our make and teach us do not easy to give up and keep going try to do the best.
3. Do you feel that you see Jesus as more of a spiritual figure, a historical figure, and both? Why?
I feel that Jesus as more of a spiritual figure. Because Jesus is more like the figure of the religion that people believe, and god always appears in follower’s heart. Every religion will have the god and the story about them, but that story may not be true, it just like legends that you tell me and I tell you the magic and incredible story about their god. Christianity is a long time until now, and more like spiritual sustenance for the people that Jesus created us and do everything grateful things for us. Every follower knows him and believes him because of their spirit. Therefore, I think Jesus is more like a spiritual figure that represented one type of religion.
4. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?
I would like to say that Jesus is a good friend and a great teacher to me. I learned a lot from him. It more deeply makes me think an about our life and how to be a real person. Jesus teaches me that I need to be more helpful and friendly to everyone, in our sisterhood, we all study together just like a big family, we need to love each other and help each other. Jesus teaches me that I need to be a tolerant person that I can’t haggle over every ounce. As a friend, Jesus can be a good listener and hear all the happy or sad things from me and always accompany with us and pass through all the difficulties.

I chose this picture because there are lots of words that can describe Jesus. I love the way that all the words combine together and can represend what I think Jesus is.
Work Cited:
women, fumc. “First UMC Women of Influence on” First UMC Women of Influence, 23 Feb. 2012,
