Blog Post #3: The 4 Gospel Writers

  1. What are specific things that you learned about the Gospel Writers from the group presentations?
I learned the basic information about the authors and the symbol of them, and the written language about them.From our group presentation, I learned the gospel writer Mark is writing to the converts. The original language of the book written in Hebrew and the symbol with the Gospel writer Mark is a winged lion. From other groups presentation, I learned about the other three gospel writers who are the Gospel of Matthew,  Luke, and John. The Gospel of Matthew written for Jewish, Christians audience. The symbol of Matthew is a win man or angel. The original language Luke’s gospel written in is Greek, and the symbol associated with the Gospel writer Luke is the winged ox. An eagle is the symbol of Gospel writer John.
2. Based on class discussion, what were similarities you saw within the 4 Gospel readings?
The similarities within the 4 Gospel readings are the original language Hebrew or Greek. For the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, the written language was Greek. For the Gospel of Mark and John, the written language was Hebrew. Greek also can be the written language for the gospel of John. They all have the symbol, and each symbol represents a significant meaning. The 4 Gospel readings have kind of the same purpose. They want the people to get to read the gospels and convince people to know and believe Jesus.
3. Based on the class discussion, what were differences you saw within the 4 Gospel readings?
The difference I noticed within the 4 Gospel readings are the audience. The gospel of Matthew written for Jewish, Christians audience. The gospel of Mark converts who lived in Rome. Luke is writing not only to Theophilus but to the group of Christians that sparked his interest in the Christian faith living near him at that time. And the Gospel of John mostly aimed for Christians and also for the Jewish audience. Their period is different, and the relationship between Jesus is different too.
4. From information, you gathered from the presentations and class discussions, which Gospel would you prefer to read and why? (Think about period, first or second-hand account, purpose, etc.)
I would prefer to read the Gospel of John. Before I do not know the gospel of John very well, I start looking up the symbol of John. I just love the symbol and the meaning behind it. John the son of Zebedee, one of the twelve who lived in Jerusalem and was known later church as John the Elder. The book embodies his eyewitness testimony and the state near the end. John says: “the story written that you might come to believe the Jesus is the messiah and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John believes the Jesus that you read about in this book is alive and real and that he can change your life forever. Therefore, I would prefer to read the Gospel of John.
I chose this picture because the four character form the picture are the symbols of The four Gospel writers. When you look at the symbols, it is easy to understand more about them.
Work Cited:
“The Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” Iron Trillium Tileworks, 8 Apr. 2014,
