Blog Post #4: Prayer

  1. What are new things that you learned about prayer from this unit? Be specific.
There are lots of prayer style that we can practice them. From this unit, we learned some different types of prayers. I learned meditation prayer, people during the prayer time can keep silent and thinking deeply. I learned the Acts prayer, acts prayer has four parts. From acts, each letter represents a word: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and supplication. Adoration is to give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all; confession is, to be honest deal with the sin in your prayer life, Thanksgiving is verbalize what you are grateful for in your life and the world around you. Supplication is to pray for the needs of others and yourself. Prayer can also show in the form of singing. Most of us like to use formal prayer, people all over the world prayer the same prayer.
2. Can you see yourself implementing any new prayer practices?
Yes. During the class time, we learned Acts prayer and tried to write one prayer by ourself. Before I discovered these types of prayer, I only know the formal prayer, and I think formal prayer is easy for me to follow the instruction to make my prayer. I realized there are lots of different types of prayer. When I make the prayer next time, I can use different ways because prayer style is a limit. I can make my prayer to be more meaningful and colorful. To lead everyone to focus on my prayer and can be attracted from my prayer. Make sure my topic is related to my faith because our main point still to thank for everything that god make for us and pray for the people in the world.
3. What were the main messages you got from the movie The Case for Christ?
The main messages I got from the movie The Case for Christ, there was nothing wrong with faith. Based on people’s faith, God will bless them. After Lee’s daughter passed through the dangerous moment, Lee’s wife started to believe Christian. It was a big hit to Lee; he thought this would affect their marriage and he does not believe Jesus is the son of god or the knowledge about Christian. He wanted to save his wife, he started finding the evidence to prove the things his wife believed is wrong, but finally, he knows they are right, and he believes it. The main word around the whole movie is love. God loves everyone, and we also need to love each other and help each other. Whenever who make a mistake, based on your faith, just be calm and pray to yourself, they to forgive the people who made mistakes and try to have a positive attitude for our fantastic life.
4. What new things did you take away about yourself from this unit, perhaps from Lectio Divina, the Gratitude class, the meditation, or the movie?

From the Gratitude class, meditation and the movie. I know we need to have a grateful heart. To thankful everything belong to us. There was some activity during the class; the one was to write the pleased letter to the person we grateful. During that time, there were lots of people in my mind that I want to say thank you because, in our life, we will have the hard time, some difficulties that we can’t pass through by yourself. That is not the big problem because there always someone is with you. Like your family, your friends, your teacher and even are the people you do not know; they just give you a helping hand, everything will become comfortable and enjoyable
I chose this picture because we all have our faith and god always be with us and give a helping hand to us. The sunshine can give us a beautiful hope that leads us to pass through all the difficulties.
Work Cited:
Wagner, Richard. “The ACTS Method of Christian Prayer.” Dummies,
Kabuya, Latrese. “Faith: Living a Victorious Life.” SheKC Lifestyle, 25 Sept. 1970,
