Blog Post #6: The Beatitudes

  • What were new things that you learned about the Beatitudes?
There were lots of life lessons from the Beatitudes and Jesus wants us to be a good man. I learned we should not be a complacent or arrogant person, try to be a modest person to determine the right things from each other. We should know you more and find the mistakes from yourself first; then we can correct the errors. I learned Union is the strength when people work together, the hardest things will become more comfortable. There was a significant word that I learned from the Beatitudes is forgiveness. During each minute and each second, we all are trying to forgive someone, try to stand at other people’s point of view and give yourself more courage. Therefore, the life will be easier and the world will be more peaceful.
  • Which Beatitude resonates with you the most and why?
“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall inherit the earth.”
This Beatitude influenced me a lot. In my opinion about this Beatitude, I learned when some beautiful things belong to us, we will get hungry and want to get better things. Try to be contented. This colorful world is full of desires; most people like to pursuit material wealth. If the people always feel insatiable about what they have, they will fail. It because greed has no limit, when we work hard and reach our goal from the beginning after we achieved, we need to cherish what we have and keep work hard to keep the things we have. Jesus is upright and noble; he treated us very equally. We need to thank the people who help us and try to help others who need us.
  • What were some things you realized during the class discussion (“gallery walk”)?
I realized everyone has their different opinions about the beatitudes. I learned those who are suffering would be happy in their next life. I learned we need to love and support the people who are sad. I learned God loves a humble person, and we all need to be a modest person try to be a better man. I learned god is very helpful that he always help the people who have less fortunate, and we also need to pray for them and help them. I learned people should live morally and be an upright person to keep the world peaceful, therefore, we will reward.
  • How can you display the beatitudes more in your life?
In our daily life, we need to remember the things we learned from the beatitudes. In the school, try to be a helpful person, give each other a help hand, life will become more comfortable, and we will feel happier. When we feel sad, remember that God always is with you, and your friends, your teachers, your parents will be the kind listener to hear the tragic things from you and comfort you. We all have the flaws and virtues, learn some good stuff from each other and correct the deficiencies from yourself. We should learn to be a tolerant man, whenever the problem is small or significant, try to work with each other, and always forgive each other, love each other, the life will be beautiful. Take time to savor the little pleasures of life, be happy every day.
I chose this picture because all the words from the image are represented what we learn from the beatitude. I think we should always remember those words and use them in our daliy life.
Work cited:
Marsh, Michael K. “The Way Forward.” Interrupting the Silence, 30 Jan. 2011,
