Blog Post #7: Discipleship

  • What did you learn about the original disciples from the group projects?
I learned a lot of things about the original disciples from the group projects. They all called by Jesus. And the Disciple Peter made me feel impressive. He is the son of Jonas, a fisherman who lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum.He did evangelistic and missionary work among the Jews, going as far as Babylon. Peter was a typical Galilean. Among the twelve, Peter was the leader. Even though Peter had many faults, but he always had the saving grace of the loving heart. No matter how many times he had fallen and failed, he still recovered his courage and integrity. I learned your defeat now is your victory in the future, we can not give up easily, we need be graceful and with a love heart to help each other, just like the 13 disciples, always remember our true faith and be kind, helpful. Try to be a devout believer, and to make our world more warm and beautiful.
  • Which disciple did you find most interesting and why?
I did some research about Thomas, and I think it is the most exciting disciple. First, he is a mysterious man; there were lots of information about him are unknown. He appeared in the raising of Lazarus, in the upper room where he wanted to know how to know the way where Jesus was going. Thomas has another name which is Doubting Thomas; it is because he did not believe Jesus unless he sees the nail prints in Jesus's hand and the gash of the spear in his side. Thomas was a pessimist, and Thomas also is a bewildered man. He was a man who could not believe until he had seen, which I think it pretty impressive that we too can learn something from him. In our daily life, we can't easily believe in strangers until we find out the prove. We always need to find the truth by ourselves.
  • Based on what you learned, what are the characteristics of people who follow Christ?
Based on I learned, there are many characteristics of people to follow Christ. They need to be faithful, always walk the right way to develop by Jesus. They need to be kindness and goodness, show their true love to each other bring the warm sunshine to the people who need them. They need to be a helpful person that when people need our help, just give them a helping hand; it will make their lives more beautiful. They are humble, they learn the life lessons from Jesus and brings the truth pass to us. Give us hope and encouragement. They also need to be honest, never lies to each other and tell the truth to others.
  • Do you feel that you display any of these characteristics? Why or why not?
Yes, I think I display some of these characteristics. Nobody is perfect; it is tough to keep doing one thing and always be a good model. I am trying to be a helpful person. Help each other can make me feel happy because for me, maybe it is just a small things to do, but I can help others a lot. I think it is essential to be a faithful person. Try to follow our heart to find the real things that we believe too, and always follow our faith to be a better person. I am a confident person that I am not afraid the difficulties, god always accompanies with you to be with you pass through all the challenges, and we can not easily give up, try to keep going to be more successful.
I chose this picture because this unit we discovered about the 13 original disciples, this shows the figure about them, it can helps me easyliy to remeber them.
work cited
“Who Were the 12 Disciples?” Who Were the 12 Disciples? |,
