Blog Post #9: Resilience

  1. Could you ever see yourself sharing similar messages that your Letter Writer did? Why or why not? How would you share them?
I think I can see myself sharing the similar messages that my letter writer did. The first letter from St. Paul to the Corinthians, states the as the disciples of Jesus, people have been receiving goddesses from the God. St.paul does not defeat by the cruel reality of the resistance against the gospel. Even though he had been considered as enemy and detractor at that time period, St.Paul established his authority through his preaching. To spreading of the exact words of the Lord to the people. I can not say how great things and messages that I can share with other people. The only similar thing is we all bring the positive power to the people that give each other encouragement that be not afraid to pass through the difficulties. To spread the life lessons and main point from my faith to others.
2. What were some new things that you learned from the Marian apparition projects presented in class (be specific)?

I learned lots of new things from the Marian apparition project.There have been at least 17 appearances of Mary approved by the Catholic Church throughout history. I learn the different amazing stories from each appearance figure. It is interesting to know a magic story and learn some life lesson from them. I learned some things from our lady of Guadalupe.The Virgin of Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. She is depicted with from skin, an angel and moon at her feet and rays of sunlight that encircle her.Her image has been used throughout Mexican history, not only as a religious icon but also as a sign of patriotism. The appearances are a real and objective intervention of divine power, and their purpose is to emphasize some aspect of the Christian message.
3. How did you see resilience at work within the Marian apparition that you researched?
The Marian apparition that I researched is the lady of Fatima. She appeared to them on the 13th day of each month at approximately noon, for six straight months. The only exception was the month of August when the children were arrested by the local administrator. She brought with her requests for the recitation of the rosary, for sacrifices on behalf of sinners, and a secret regarding the fate of the world.The most important message is to pray for peace, mainly through the rosary, in the last apparition Mary introduced herself as “ The Lady of the Rosary” and in each of the apparitions she asked that the rosary is said daily, especially for peace and the end of the war. The second message is the call to penance in reparation for the many sins committed against God. A third message was the promotion of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I can see resilience at work with Fatima has helped many people believe in God and change people’s lives.
4. Do you see yourself as being resilient? Why or why not?
The meaning of resilient to me is people who failed before they succeeded, people who overcame obstacles. I can see myself as being resilient. The hardest time for me was when I just come to the United States, first time to live without family and to learn a new language. It was a big challenge for me to understand English, but I never give up, because of my faith, God always be with me and help me pass through the problem. My parent and best friends also accompany me give me so much encouragement. I spent a lot of time studying English and try to have more conversation with other people. Always be a hard worker, never stop learning new things, I can see the improvement of my English. This is resilient time for me, even though my English still not really good, but I can almost understand everything and much better than the first time when I came here. Try not to give up easily, how much you pay, you will get more report back.

I chose this photo because this unit we learned Resilience and the Marian apprations, this is the picture of Mary, I learned lots of things from her.

Work Cited 

“Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” Amorous, 23 June 2017,

