Blog Post #12: Church in the Present

1. What were some of the main points in Thomas Groome’s book, “What Makes Us Catholic?” Do you agree/disagree and why?
People have chosen to enter the Catholic Church for various reasons; there is some central point I learned from Thomas Groome’s book. First, we need believing God who is our loving father and creator; God has created us out of his love that sustains and supports us daily. Second, we need bring God’s kingdom of peace, unity, and love to the world. We need love each other, unity together, spread the meaningful things to each other. We need to love and respect yourself and also respect to other people. To recognize our negative origins and destructive consequences. We should remember that human efforts alone cannot root out the evil of discrimination from our hearts or society. I agree with the main points in the book; it helps us not only to learn how to be a Catholic, and also teach us how to be a good man.
2. What were some new things that you learned about Pope Francis from the video clips?
Pope Francis is always a person who has encouraged. He wanted us to open our eyes, to see the poor people who are suffering and help them. No matter who you are, Pope Francis does not care about the identity of you, if you have any problems and questions, he will always listening and helping. I learned we could not wear the color glasses to see each other, everyone is equal, we need be more kind, more tolerance, when someone needs help, give them a helping hand if we can. Pope Francis says, he like being close to the poor, because the poor will offer his their hearts. We all need to remember, everyone will remember the good things you did for them. He wants everyone knows that we all have the reason that God-like to challenge us, let us suffering, it is good for us, we can learn from the suffering, we also can be stronger.

3. What are different changes that Pope Francis is making to the way popes usually do things?
Pope Francis has a phrase that he uses more than once, “the church has to be on the borders,” then he will tell the priests, “you do not call the people to the churches, you have to go where the people are.” He does not choose between social justice or social issues, because he sees a unity of all of these issues. He cares about the social situation of the needy, the elderly, and the children. He makes so many changes to the people in the world, especially for the poor people. Pope Francis never buy a car; he likes to take the public transportation because he can meet new people and he thinks it is nice to talk to strangers and help them, listen to the story from the people. He always goes to the poor community and goes to the hospital to visit the people who are suffering during the dangerous situation; he likes to wash feet for them, and kiss their feet, bring good luck for them and pray for them. Pope Francis always spread the power of the faith as other regular pope does, and he also encourages a lot of people in the world, be with them pass through all the difficulties and help them to trust their life, everything will be better.
4. What hopes do you have for the present day Catholic Church?
I hope that the Catholic Church in the present day could increase support for women in church leadership roles. Even Though today, we all know everyone is equal, but in some points, there still have some unfair things to the women. For some people, they like to choose the all-girls school for study, the main reason is they will feel more comfortable and more confident in the school, and also there is more chance for them to have the leadership. The Catholic Church can give more encouragement to the women who are not confident. I also hope that the Catholic Church in the present day could a continued call to love. Many young people find hope in Pope Francis because he always reminds us that we need to love one another. When the students in the school, I hope the Catholic Church can still focus on more students emotion, give them more hopes to trust their beautiful life. Not just teach the religion known to them, be more supportive and teach more life lessons to the teenagers.

1. What were some of the main points in Thomas Groome’s book, “What Makes Us Catholic?” Do you agree/disagree and why?
People have chosen to enter the Catholic Church for various reasons; there is some central point I learned from Thomas Groome’s book. First, we need believing God who is our loving father and creator; God has created us out of his love that sustains and supports us daily. Second, we need bring God’s kingdom of peace, unity, and love to the world. We need love each other, unity together, spread the meaningful things to each other. We need to love and respect yourself and also respect to other people. To recognize our negative origins and destructive consequences. We should remember that human efforts alone cannot root out the evil of discrimination from our hearts or society. I agree with the main points in the book; it helps us not only to learn how to be a Catholic, and also teach us how to be a good man.
2. What were some new things that you learned about Pope Francis from the video clips?
Pope Francis is always a person who has encouraged. He wanted us to open our eyes, to see the poor people who are suffering and help them. No matter who you are, Pope Francis does not care about the identity of you, if you have any problems and questions, he will always listening and helping. I learned we could not wear the color glasses to see each other, everyone is equal, we need be more kind, more tolerance, when someone needs help, give them a helping hand if we can. Pope Francis says, he like being close to the poor, because the poor will offer his their hearts. We all need to remember, everyone will remember the good things you did for them. He wants everyone knows that we all have the reason that God-like to challenge us, let us suffering, it is good for us, we can learn from the suffering, we also can be stronger.

3. What are different changes that Pope Francis is making to the way popes usually do things?
Pope Francis has a phrase that he uses more than once, “the church has to be on the borders,” then he will tell the priests, “you do not call the people to the churches, you have to go where the people are.” He does not choose between social justice or social issues, because he sees a unity of all of these issues. He cares about the social situation of the needy, the elderly, and the children. He makes so many changes to the people in the world, especially for the poor people. Pope Francis never buy a car; he likes to take the public transportation because he can meet new people and he thinks it is nice to talk to strangers and help them, listen to the story from the people. He always goes to the poor community and goes to the hospital to visit the people who are suffering during the dangerous situation; he likes to wash feet for them, and kiss their feet, bring good luck for them and pray for them. Pope Francis always spread the power of the faith as other regular pope does, and he also encourages a lot of people in the world, be with them pass through all the difficulties and help them to trust their life, everything will be better.
4. What hopes do you have for the present day Catholic Church?
I hope that the Catholic Church in the present day could increase support for women in church leadership roles. Even Though today, we all know everyone is equal, but in some points, there still have some unfair things to the women. For some people, they like to choose the all-girls school for study, the main reason is they will feel more comfortable and more confident in the school, and also there is more chance for them to have the leadership. The Catholic Church can give more encouragement to the women who are not confident. I also hope that the Catholic Church in the present day could a continued call to love. Many young people find hope in Pope Francis because he always reminds us that we need to love one another. When the students in the school, I hope the Catholic Church can still focus on more students emotion, give them more hopes to trust their beautiful life. Not just teach the religion known to them, be more supportive and teach more life lessons to the teenagers.
I choose this picture because I love this quote from Pope Francis, and from this unit, we learned a lots of things from Pope Francis, we all need remember that when we unity together, help more people, we can make this woirld become more beautiful and warm.

Work Cited
Weber, Kerry. “The Future Of The Catholic Church.” The Huffington Post,, 7 May 2016,
Staff, Bio. “Quote of the Week: Pope Francis.”, A&E Networks Television, 15 Dec. 2014,
