
Showing posts from September, 2017

Blog Post #2: Who is Jesus to me?

Before this class, what did you already know about Jesus and where did this information come from? I don’t believe Christianity, and I am not Catholic. But I am studying in a Catholic school that all the information I learned about Jesus is from my Religion class. I still do not know about him. In people’s mind, Jesus is different for them. For me, base on what I learned, I think Jesus is holy and righteous, he is helpful and friendly. Jesus is a son of God, and he brings us to this beautiful world. He loves his people and helps his people when we have some difficulties. Jesus is mysterious that there are lots of amazing story from him. 2. What new insights did you gain about Jesus from this unit? How does this change or confirm what you already thought? Be specific. (Based on presentations and reading) I learned “He was a good man, they may claim, maybe even one of the greatest religious leaders of all time-- like the Buddha, perhaps, or Moses, or Muhammad” (8 Zanzig). Jesus

Blog Post #1: Bible Archaeology

1. What are some new things that you learned about Jesus from your group presentation? Be specific. My group’s topic is Wine at Cana and the Loaves and Fishes. The story Wine at Cana is about when Jesus saw that all the water was gone, something came upon him to do something. Jesus delivers a sign of his glory by turning water into wine, it was God telling him to be a miracle worker and spread the presence of God. The story Loaves and Fishes is about Jesus broke the fishes and the loaves, and they distributed among the people. Jesus can provide all we need, and help us when we have some difficulties. Jesus always shows love to his people; we also need to be a helpful person that to help each other, love each other, make our community to be more beautiful and warm. 2. What are some new things that you learned about Jesus from your classmates’ group presentations? Be specific From my classmate group especially Sermon on the Mount. It is about Jesus climbs a mountain near Galilee,