
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog Post #4: Prayer

What are new things that you learned about prayer from this unit? Be specific. There are lots of prayer style that we can practice them. From this unit, we learned some different types of prayers. I learned meditation prayer, people during the prayer time can keep silent and thinking deeply. I learned the Acts prayer, acts prayer has four parts. From acts, each letter represents a word: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and supplication. Adoration is to give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all; confession is, to be honest deal with the sin in your prayer life, Thanksgiving is verbalize what you are grateful for in your life and the world around you. Supplication is to pray for the needs of others and yourself. Prayer can also show in the form of singing. Most of us like to use formal prayer, people all over the world prayer the same prayer. 2. Can you see yourself implementing any new prayer practices? Yes. During the class time, we learned Acts prayer and

Blog Post #3: The 4 Gospel Writers

What are specific things that you learned about the Gospel Writers from the group presentations? I learned the basic information about the authors and the symbol of them, and the written language about them.From our group presentation, I learned the gospel writer Mark is writing to the converts. The original language of the book written in Hebrew and the symbol with the Gospel writer Mark is a winged lion. From other groups presentation, I learned about the other three gospel writers who are the Gospel of Matthew,  Luke, and John. The Gospel of Matthew written for Jewish, Christians audience. The symbol of Matthew is a win man or angel. The original language Luke’s gospel written in is Greek, and the symbol associated with the Gospel writer Luke is the winged ox. An eagle is the symbol of Gospel writer John. 2. Based on class discussion, what were similarities you saw within the 4 Gospel readings? The similarities within the 4 Gospel readings are the original language Hebrew