
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog Post #6: The Beatitudes

What were new things that you learned about the Beatitudes? There were lots of life lessons from the Beatitudes and Jesus wants us to be a good man. I learned we should not be a complacent or arrogant person, try to be a modest person to determine the right things from each other. We should know you more and find the mistakes from yourself first; then we can correct the errors. I learned Union is the strength when people work together, the hardest things will become more comfortable. There was a significant word that I learned from the Beatitudes is forgiveness. During each minute and each second, we all are trying to forgive someone, try to stand at other people’s point of view and give yourself more courage. Therefore, the life will be easier and the world will be more peaceful. Which Beatitude resonates with you the most and why? “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall inherit the earth.” This Beatitude influenced me a lot. In my opin

Blog Post #5: Parables

What specific things did you learn from your group's parable? From my group, the name of our parable is The Prodigal Son. The story starts with a man and his two sons. I learned a lot from this parable. God is using this parable to teach us that he loves for each of us, he is willing to accept all the mistakes that we make and forgive us. From this Parable, it reflects the wonderful indulgence that God shows toward us. Even we are acting as selfish as the prodigal son. God trust us we will learn a lesson and come back to him. 2. What specific things did you learn from the parables that were presented by the other groups? From the parable” Unforgiving Servant,”  I learned we need always to forgive us. Everyone will make the mistakes; sometimes we feel it is hard to forgive other people. Try to think about it in another way, if we make the mistakes, we also hope other people to forgive us. From the parable “The laborers in the vineyard,” I learned we should be grateful for