
Blog Post #12: Church in the Present

1. What were some of the main points in Thomas Groome’s book, “What Makes Us Catholic?” Do you agree/disagree and why? People have chosen to enter the Catholic Church for various reasons; there is some central point I learned from Thomas Groome’s book. First, we need believing God who is our loving father and creator; God has created us out of his love that sustains and supports us daily. Second, we need bring God’s kingdom of peace, unity, and love to the world. We need love each other, unity together, spread the meaningful things to each other. We need to love and respect yourself and also respect to other people. To recognize our negative origins and destructive consequences. We should remember that human efforts alone cannot root out the evil of discrimination from our hearts or society. I agree with the main points in the book; it helps us not only to learn how to be a Catholic, and also teach us how to be a good man. 2. What were some new things that you learned about Pope F

Blog Post #11: Bridge to Present (Notre Dame Community)

1.What did you find interesting about the history of the Sisters of Notre Dame? (If you were absent that day, please look over the slides on Schoology) I learned the origin of Notre Dame High School. The history story of the sisters of Notre Dame impressive me a lot. St. Julie was born in a low-income family, and she was very religious that when she was only seven years old, she could memorize the catechism and understood it. Unfortunately, she lost the use of her legs. Sr. Francoise was a wealthy aristocrat’s daughter, she came to visit St. Julie because they both had the same faith, they became sisters. Julie and Francoise faced a lot of challenges; they almost lost their lives. Because of their holy faith, to lead them to pass through all the difficulties, god leads them to profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as Sisters of Notre Dame. The story of them impact me a lot, I realized how great of my school’s history and I want to learn something from them that do not eas

Blog Post #10: Growth

Which event that you learned about from the Church History textbook presentations did you find most interesting and why? I think the most interesting event that I learned about from the Church History textbook presentations is the crusades. Because I did a lot of research about the crusades, we also learned the event during our history lesson. The Crusade was a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. There were eight major Crusade expeditions occurred between 1096 and 1291. The first crusade was the most successful one, and I found out most interesting part is the crusades also included the children crusades, I think it was so bloody and unfair to the children. Although the crusades lost in the end, there was some impact I learned from it; the Crusaders brought back to Europe, any goods and inventions, it increased the desire for trade with other parts of the world. I learned a lot of histor

Blog Post #9: Resilience

Could you ever see yourself sharing similar messages that your Letter Writer did? Why or why not? How would you share them? I think I can see myself sharing the similar messages that my letter writer did. The first letter from St. Paul to the Corinthians, states the as the disciples of Jesus, people have been receiving goddesses from the God. St.paul does not defeat by the cruel reality of the resistance against the gospel. Even though he had been considered as enemy and detractor at that time period, St.Paul established his authority through his preaching. To spreading of the exact words of the Lord to the people. I can not say how great things and messages that I can share with other people. The only similar thing is we all bring the positive power to the people that give each other encouragement that be not afraid to pass through the difficulties. To spread the life lessons and main point from my faith to others. 2. What were some new things that you learned from the Marian

Blog Post #8: Suffering

In what ways did the people you learned about during this unit suffer? What was their reaction to their suffering? I learned a moral story form the Apostles Heal Many. Peter wants to separate his faith to the people, but the High priest is jealous about him, the High priest ordered his men to let Peter go into the jail. Peter is suffering in prison, but he is not complaining about anything because he believes his right faith. Peter Knows god will always be with him; Peter will not give up. After he released, he still keeps going to separate the religion and teach people how to be a good man. I learned we need always trust God and never give up easily. 2. Which story from the Acts of the Apostles did you find most inspiring and why? The story from The Storm Acts 27:13-26 inspiring me a lot. It is the story describes a dangerous journey paul’s men made where they all almost lost faith. It wasn’t until an Angel arrived, telling them that God was protecting them and they woul

Blog Post #7: Discipleship

What did you learn about the original disciples from the group projects? I learned a lot of things about the original disciples from the group projects. They all called by Jesus. And the Disciple Peter made me feel impressive. He is the son of Jonas, a fisherman who lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum.He did evangelistic and missionary work among the Jews, going as far as Babylon. Peter was a typical Galilean. Among the twelve, Peter was the leader. Even though Peter had many faults, but he always had the saving grace of the loving heart. No matter how many times he had fallen and failed, he still recovered his courage and integrity. I learned your defeat now is your victory in the future, we can not give up easily, we need be graceful and with a love heart to help each other, just like the 13 disciples, always remember our true faith and be kind, helpful. Try to be a devout believer, and to make our world more warm and beautiful. Which disciple did you find most interesting and

Blog Post #6: The Beatitudes

What were new things that you learned about the Beatitudes? There were lots of life lessons from the Beatitudes and Jesus wants us to be a good man. I learned we should not be a complacent or arrogant person, try to be a modest person to determine the right things from each other. We should know you more and find the mistakes from yourself first; then we can correct the errors. I learned Union is the strength when people work together, the hardest things will become more comfortable. There was a significant word that I learned from the Beatitudes is forgiveness. During each minute and each second, we all are trying to forgive someone, try to stand at other people’s point of view and give yourself more courage. Therefore, the life will be easier and the world will be more peaceful. Which Beatitude resonates with you the most and why? “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall inherit the earth.” This Beatitude influenced me a lot. In my opin